What Are You Afraid of?

However irrational our fears may be, we often let them control our lives and limit our potential!

Listen, I'm nervous and excited but, mostly, I'm relieved.

You see, I've been doing this thing... well, actually, I’m doing a couple of things right now...

and, although I’m delighted to finally get everything out there and share it with you today, fear still sits on my shoulder and whispers in my ear...

'What if your stuff sucks and nobody cares what you have to say?' 'What if they get offended or take everything the wrong way?'

For 'what if' never knew, and 'should have' had regrets; while 'fuck it' was making happen, that which scares us half to death

I’ll be honest, it’s been a lo-ong time in the making, and it’s far from perfect...

But I’ve learnt that everything in life is a work in progress anyway, and my procrastination was just serving to delay the inevitable. So, I've finally decided to put myself out there and see what happens.

As they say, 'if you want something bad enough, do whatever it takes to get it!'

So, I say fuck it!

Perhaps I blow you away with my charming intellect and sage observations or, possibly, disappoint you with a stupendous display of unforgivable stupidity.

Then again, I might inspire you to achieve excellence, or offend you to your very core...

But one thing can be said for certain...

We shall never know if we do not try.

Some may not like us or care what we have to say, but courage requires that we feel the fear and move forward anyway!

If you're curious about what I'm up to and keen to shape the direction I go moving forward...